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My Redeemer Lives

Updated on September 1, 2011

The Present

I have missed writing on hub pages. Lets say I have been on a journey. My hp angel LadyE made a comment on a hub of mine not to long ago. She mentioned that my hairstyling must be very therapeutic. Yes it is. Walking with God is an adventure of a lifetime.There is nothing dull about it. I have been very blessed. My career takes me from self into helping others. Not only to make my clients more beautiful also to encourage, inspire, listen and or share the love of the redeemer, Christ Jesus. I was put behind my chair for a reason and a season. Christ has blessed me in my finances.The growth has been a ride I am eternally grateful for. I am sure any one reading this can relate on some level. We were put here for each other. God needs our help to touch hearts and minds.There are many at hub pages who serve the Lord and minister to others through their writing. There are tears from the saints for the lost and unsaved. There are many at hub pages , that help others by sharing their wisdom and knowledge in many skills, gifts or talents. Earning money is a great motivation and benefit to write on hub pages That can happen, believe to receive.There are probably hundreds of reasons individuals write on hub pages. I believe most would agree writing can be an awakening into the soul. Much has been revealed to me. I am sure more will unravel on my writing journey.

I can easily get swept into my self. Today I find that I no longer care to stay there for long. I stand on the promises of God to depart the dangerous neighborhood of my own self seeking thoughts or motives. My Redeemer lives, he is alive and well able to take my cares from me. I just need to keep them in his hands. He redeems, he restores.

In early October I found out I was going to receive a windfall of $5,000. My husband has been unemployed since August 06, 09 and my income as a hairstylist is 1/3 the salary of two years ago, I was thrilled, manna from heaven. It is nothing I did in particular, lets say it was money I earned over time. Anyway it was a complete surprise. I got it one day prior to my birthday. I felt like a princess on a white horse. I was riding on a cloud, praising the Lord. I had prayed for a windfall. God does hear our prayers and he is in time and on time. Before getting the money the enemy tried to edge in. His evil ways were wanting to bring me down. He tried with 'this is going to fall apart like your life has done'.So on and so on. I am grateful to say I stood on Gods word and told the enemy to flee. I love that we have a free sword to use on the evil one.He shakes at the 'name of Jesus'. He has to go. His time is coming, he knows he is doomed. No one can steal our joy unless we let them.This is a promise from the Almighty King, not me.

The money needed to stretch in many directions. I asked for direction from the Holy Spirit. I heard his small still voice. By my own nature, I am not great at managing money. I have found that 'stuff' is temporary. When I was borne again I was set free. I found stuff did not fix me. I have learned what true riches are and who they come from. It is not the 401 K, stock, savings, the husbands paycheck or depending on my clients that provide. Life happens, situations change. Gods word stays the same, he does not lie.The true living water comes from Christ, He is our Father. He shows us the way in which to go. It is a choice to follow him or not. Each day is a gift. I have learned there is only one economy that is going to work for me and that one is God's. He is my manna, my source. He gives and he takes. It is all his anyway. I have been plentiful and I have been dirt poor. I am grateful true riches are God breathed and no one can take our joy, peace, self control, meekness, gentleness, kindness, hope or wisdom. No one can rob us or charge us for Gods true riches. Money is necessary for living. Money puts smiles on many faces but looking out the window we can see unless we wear blinders it is obvious money will not fix or repair us.The Love of money has put many in bondage. Greed has brought much heartache Children of God he is our father. He trains us up and mold's us. We are the clay, he is the potter. I understand why we are called children of God not adults of God. He formed you and I in our mothers womb. He knew the color of our eyes, the shape of our body, our birthday. We were designed as planned. He knew the purpose he had for our lives. Fathers love to give surprises He likes to tickle us with pleasure. He is not standing with a stick for discipline. I think he knew we could do a pretty good job beating ourselves up for mistakes. He has gifts for us.His word is filled with 8,000 promises. I thanked the King of Gifts, for my wonderful Birthday. But for the grace of God I never thought I would make it to this age. I am thankful I was rescued. I choose to jump aboard the life raft. If you are hurting today, if life has you in a struggle God is a present God. He will not leave you orphaned.(John 14:18) Call on him, he will come with his life preserver.

I took a huge sigh of relief knowing I could get caught up on a few past due bills. I took my tithe to the church. After all Christ blessed me with his money. He promises to bless what leaves our hands to advance his kingdom 30, 60, or 100 fold. Not a bad return huh? I would much rather have what leaves my hand blessed then have what is in my hand not blessed.Christ gave us this command for our bennefit, not his. He is plenty rich. Heaven does not use asphalt rather pure gold for the streets.(Revelation) .We have mansions prepared for us.The gates are pure gemstones some I cannot pronounce. (Revelation) God is creative, all his little creatures and things he designed. He has plenty of suprises and treasures in heaven for his kids. Our minds cannot concieve of the beauty and awe that await us. We are not capable.The greatest privelage anyone could ever know is the fact that Christ choose us to folow him. My behavior is the single most important thing to everyday living.

I was rejoicing. I go and pay back friends.for loans. I bless my husband ( it is our money I just like to think whats his is mine and what is mine ,is mine. Kidding. I bless my 3 beautiful daughters, I make a car payment. I hear make another car payment. I took friends to a couple of dinners. Having a few bucks was nice. I forgot how it felt. I paid more bills.I gave to the poor. The money was going through the fingers like water. I start to panic.I had much to take care of. I knew the money would touch first base possibly second. I was not Ms.Trump. I was sad. I wanted to give my girls more .I should not have got the new, used laptop, maybe I could skip this bill till later. I was a mess. I acted like I had not taken my hormones for days. I gave up my joy. I had a private pity party. Cars are taken away for non paynent. I panicked.

I kicked the horse too hard and I was bucked off. Christ pulled me up from the mud puddle. He cleansed me and wrapped his big arms around me. He is a God of many chances. I made a mistake. I surrendered. I was forgiven, I forgave myself. I will buck up with Christ and trust him. He loves you and I no matter where we are in life.He wants us to prosper and be abundant. Growing pains are called that for a reason. The Holy Spirit directed me, I asked him. I heard his voice and thought I will get back to that second car payment. We have free will. Children of God will continue to grow in his love. He has a plan.for you and I. We have not because we ask not.(James 1:5) I asked him to rescue me from my error.

He knows my needs. I can do all things through Christ that strengthn me. (Phillipians) He will give me the words, he is my source. I do not feel like talking to the car people. As a child of God he tells us not to act on what we feel but trust what his word tells us. Feelings change, Christ does not. His grace,mercy, and forgiveness are the most wonderful honor to have. It is the most wonderful life to live as a believer. I did not have to go get drunk. I did not run up the mountains to gamble (all past tense) I did not have to go on a wild spending spree. I did OK with my gift. I hope to do better next time. I am more equipped. These are the most difficult and challenging times I have ever lived in. I am not the lone ranger. Christ says 'be anxious for nothing, but in thanksgiving and prayer let your requests be made known to him. (Phillipians) I forgave myself. I will move forward with him that never forsakes or leaves us.. Children of the Most high God he is our redeemer. He sent his son for us to die a brutal death on the we could be free He will not throw me back into the ocean.The Spirit of God dwells in me. (1 Corinthians) His love is 'incomprehisable' In my next hub I will share the results after speakiing to the the car loan people. God says he will give us the fountain of living water for free. If you do not have it you can have it at any time. My friends Christ is going to return, you do not want to be asleep. If you are not sure of your salvation it is a free ticket to the gates of heaven. Make the choice for freedom in him, that loved us first.

Prayer of Salvation

Romans 10:9-10 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteouness. Repent of your sin, you will be set free.

Romans 9:11 For the scripture says 'whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame'

If you said the prayer you are saved. Congradulations.You took the best step you will ever take. Praise God. The angels rejoice in Heaven when one is saved (borne again) Please get a Bible,one will come to your way if you do not have one.Go to a Bible based, Spirit filled Christian church, and get ready for the ride of your life.

With my Love, your friend.

Gods Children not Gods Adults


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