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Lord, please help me to forgive what seems impossible.

Updated on February 10, 2013

Will this storm pass?

Other then choosing to receive the free gift of salvation I do not think there is anything more important in this lifetime then to forgive another. When we do not forgive, bitterness and anger creep into our hearts to poison us. Unless the poison is cleared out it can kill us, sometimes slowly sometimes quickly but it is a painful process. When we harbor anger, bitterness, revenge or resentment we can not smell the roses. We miss out on the blessings God has for those that love Him. We literally block our hearts from the sunlight of the Spirit.

Because Gods word is true I know He is going to use this horrific, evil and wicked crime for His good purpose and for His Glory, for all eternity.(Romans 8:28) In Gods amazing grace and unending mercy He has helped me to forgive what seemed impossible. He has helped me to see what I could not. John 5:30 God understands like no other. He cares deeply about His children. It is in fiery trials our faith is strengthened. God is the God of impossibilities.The devil has tried to stop me in my tracks and I have tried to justify not forgiving. There is no ground between light and dark. It is a black or white decision. Just how can one forgive what seems to be impossible?

This writing is based on a true story. The names and precise details have been changed and or omitted to respect the rights, privacy and dignity of individuals. It is in the Spirit of God I write. I do not know how or who the Spirit of God may touch in this testimony of Gods power and amazing love. It is my sincere prayer that those who need touching are touched by the Holy Spirit of God. God knows what He does.

It was 6:00 A.M. My cell phone was beeping that I had a new text. I thought it a little odd it had come in at 3:30 A.M. I must have slept through the alert. "Kyle has brutally assaulted Krista and Trent with a tire iron. Both are in surgery, now. Kyle is on run and the police are searching for him. I am on my way to Mercy Hospital. Be in touch with you, Nicole Ann.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. Surgery? What kind of surgery? A tire iron rod? I quickly text-ed my niece Nicole. I did not hear back from her. This was the day I was to leave town over two hours away for my grandsons first birthday party. I felt I could not move. I was numb. I managed to stand up and talk to my husband and then to my daughters. The hospital could not give me any information. After a quick trip to a birthday party. I was driving to the hospital.

I recalled the day Krista was born again into the family of God. She had moved to California for work with her husband and son. I flew out to visit along with my twin sister. Several days later the three of us holding hands went on bended knee and Krista confessed Jesus as her Lord and Savior, repented of sin and asked Him into her heart. (Romans 10:9-10). Her son and husband were around that day but declined the invite. They could not understand why a loving God allowed for pain. They did not get it that it was sin that brought on pain. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I could only pray one day and soon they too would accept Jesus as Lord. They lived in California only a short time.

The abuse had gone on for years. What started as verbal abuse had turned into physical. abuse The attempts to get Krista to move to a shelter for abused woman, availed little. Krista was not going to leave Trent. Krista never filed domestic charges on her son, Kyle. Her husband convinced her it would get better. After all Kyle was their son. Krista had told me she was frightened for her life a couple of months ago. Trent always convinced her she was being paranoid. Alcohol and drugs were the norm for the family. Abuse like any addiction does not get better or stop on its own. The chains need to be cut and Jesus is the chain cutter.

If you are in an abusive situation I plead with you to find help. There are many sources available. No one needs or deserves abuse. No matter the lies you may believe you must seek help. You do not need to go this alone. God is our help and He can direct your path. He will and can. (Matthew 6:31)

Lynelle my oldest sister had recently sent Krista home after a month visit to her home out of state. Her precious love and concern for Krista availed nothing. Krista was going back to Trent. He needed her. Many times family and friends tried to intervene but there was not a thing any of us could do to help Krista. We were powerless. She made her choice for Trent and the son was in the package deal. No matter the level of abuse Trent believed Kyle would get better. Krista hoped it would.

I deplored and hated Kyle for what he had done to his mother, my sister. I deplored and hated Trent for not standing by his wife, my sister. I knew this was not God wills for me to hate. I felt I could not forgive this brutal assault Kyle did to his mom nor forgive Trent because he could have prevented this by standing up and being a man and husband for his wife.

I needed a change in heart. My flesh said no but my spirit says, I need to. There is no other way. God sent His son to pay my ransom for my sin debt. I worse sinner am forgiven. My words and actions brought hurt and despair to many. God gave me hope and a new life. He came to my rescue. It was nothing I deserved but His Grace on me picked me up from the pits of hell . I was digging a ditch.

I could not do this on my own. (John 5:30) To harbor anger, resentment or revenge opens the doors for the enemy to come in. Satan is the father of lies. His only purpose, repeat only purpose is to steal, kill and destroy and in that order. (John 10:10) Satan god of this world, the enemy will do all he can to pull one from God so we blame God for pain and or suffering in our lives and in the world.

After six hours of surgery Krista was in intensive care. I would never have recognized this to be my sister, if I did not know. I thought of Jesus and how He suffered and died for the sins of the world on the Cross at Calvary for you, for me, for all. (John 3:16) Jesus was so brutalized I am sure no one would have recognized Him.3)

I prayed that Krista's life would have meaning, if she lived.The doctors did not give us much hope. If Krista lived they did not know what her quality of life would be. It did not look good. The injuries were traumatic. We needed to wait and see. I prayed for Gods will to be done.The next few days would be touch and go. If Krista lived it would be a miracle. God knows all things. Never underestimate what God can do in your life or that of others.He is the great IAM (Exodus 3:13)

Jesus the Healer.

Praise to God. He saved Krista's life. Jesus does come after His sheep. (Luke 15:4) Krista's time on earth is not finished, yet. God has more for her. Although we knew something horrible would be likely no one thought a horrific event like this would ever take place. Yet it could turn to be the best event ever. Forgiveness is a process, not always easy but faithful God favors our willingness.

God allows us to go though certain things for His purpose and Glory. He has plans for His children. Good plans to prosper and not harm us are what He wants for His children. God broke the chain on this family. I can only pray they are moved to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, repent of sin and be transformed to eternal life with Christ. We all die one day. It is too late if you do not know Jesus. Dont go therel NO one wants eternal death. There is no light, none. Jail will look like heavens gate compared to eternal death. If you do not beleive in God trust me you will not get a chance to change your mind when you die. There is hope until there is none..Every good and perfect gift comes from above.( James 1: 17) It is the enemy of God, the devil himself who lies to decieve us and steal our soul and ultimately our life, to eternal death. separated from God, forever in hell. It is in this lifetime we decide who we are going to follow. .

I entered the room only to turn around and run to the bathroom to be sick. I had rage toward Trent and Kyle. I only wished Trent who was on another floor in the hospital would die from a painful infection or better yet, killed. Where was he when this attack happened? Why was he only suffering two broken arms? Kyle was still on the run. Security was tight to Krista's room. I felt like I was on a TV shoot and this was a production being made, only it was not.

Krista had over 400 staples in her head. Tubes came from the her skull to remove the pressure on the brain from the bleeding. The jaw broken was reset, the nose broken was reset, her cheek bone had multiple fractures. The blow to the for head was the worst of its kind. The skull was fractured and pushed into the brain. Fragments of bone were removed in surgery. She was in a drug induced coma. The doctors were amazed that she was not out when she arrived at the ER. Krista was truly a miracle from God. The Doctors knew it too. Her arm was broken and the wrist shattered. In time they would do surgery on her broken thumb. A tube breathed for her and a tube was going to feed her.

Grieving is similar to a yo yo. It goes up and down and up and down and everywhere in between, sometimes out to the right and sometimes out to the left. There are days I wondered if the pain would subside but I know Gods Holy Word is true. When we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; (2 Corinthians 12:9) In every storm there is a calm that comes. The rainbow will come out and our God has His awesome signature upon it. Abba Father, Glory to God.

By the Holy Spirit of God I was led me to a Christian Pastor on TV talking about forgiveness. This was no mistake. Praise to God, Amen. What I needed to forgive was the debt I believe they owed Krista and others. Jesus went to the cross for the sins of the world. He has already paid our debt for past, (John 3:16) present and future sin when we are His children. Not one earns salvation, it is a free gift and includes forgiveness for our sins. Jesus paid for our sin. I too was once lost then found.

I am not condoning this horrific crime done to my sister. I may never forget. God broke the chain for a reason. He is no respecter of people. When we break the law then we have to pay the consequences in this world. We are accountable for our actions. I can pray to God these men come to Jesus. I can pray the blinders are removed and hope they draw to the Savior of the world. Jesus is the way truth and life and no one goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)

Kyle was found two days after the brutal assault. He will be gone for a very long time on an attempted murder charge. The judge put a million dollar bond on his head so Kyle will not be rescued any time soon. Jesus Christ is our only hope. He came so we could have life and have it more abundant. (John 10:10)

GOD IS GOD. He is in control. He has saved a family. He broke the chains and the family is separated. I do not know the rest of the story. I do know without Christ there is no hope. You can go chasing rainbows all day long but without Jesus when you get to the end nothing will be there. If in this story it is not apparent to you how Satan can bring down the house to steal, kill and destroy may God help you to see. The devil is real and roams the earth like a lion to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Children of God have been given authority to cast out the enemy. Glory to God.

The staff of Doctors,nurses, social workers, specialists, family and friends are amazed. Krista is truly a testimony of Gods great love and healing power. Nothing is going out of Krista's body. Surgery was performed two weeks ago on the thumb and the cast is off, already. Krista can walk, eat, bathe and dress with assistance. The wires in the brain rewire themselves to help compensate for what has been lost. Each day Krista speaks clearer. She is trying to run down the hall and escape. She has had remarkable progress .Because God is remarkable He can take the worse of situations and turn them around. TBI (traumatic brain injury) can easily bring on agitation, frustration , depression, confusion, and anger. In Gods perfect timing He will work all things out. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. (James1:17)

Krista, is now on Medicaid which does not pay for a rehab only a nursing home. God is so very amazing. Two weeks ago with the help of a blessed social worker God worked His miracles. The praise report is this. A charity is going to pay for Krista to go to a TBI rehab and therapy for a year. I have heard it is one of the best in the state. Although it is two hours away God has the plan, she is to be there. God makes a way when there seems like none. (Phil 2:13-14)

I forgive Trent and Kyle. I made the choice to not harbor revenge or anger and forgive the trespasses done against my sister and others. There is no way around it, if we want to be free we need to forgive. No matter the crime Jesus forgives those that call on HIm as Lord and Savior. God has plucked Trent and Kyle from the pit of death just as He did me. I can pray they come to Jesus. Salvation is the most precious gift we can ever receive. It is free for the asking. God is our only hope and refuge. I pray for Trent and Kyle daily. Although some days are easier then others I do truly do feel sorry for them. They did not get it. I pray as I type they get it.

Do you recall Joseph in the old testament? Genesis 2:1-12. Jacob his father adored his youngest son. His jealous brothers took Joseph and threw him into a pit to starve to death. A group of slave traders came through and bought Joseph for a slave.He was a servant for Pharaoh then wrongly accused by the wife of Potifer for molesting her. Almighty God turned all of this for the good. After 13 years in prison Joseph became Pharaohs right hand man after interpreting a dream. A gift God had given to Joseph. Joseph was as powerful as Pharaoh. He married and had two sons. The famine just as Joseph dreamed came to pass in all of Egypt. Joseph given wisdom from God had the necessities put aside and there was more then enough. When the brothers showed up at Pharaohs door begging bread they did not recognize Joseph. He knew his 11 brothers. Joseph could have done away with the brothers in a heart beat. He could have beheaded these guys for the crimes and or let them starve. Joseph did confront his brothers for all of his pain and suffering, He forgave his brothers and ended up moving them to his land and cared for them and their families. If Joseph had not done this we would not have the twelve tribes of Israel today.

There is more to Krista's story, to your story and to mine. God is faithful and true. He is the Great Physician, the Prince of Peace, Loving Grace, Enduring Mercy, the Light, the Way, the Word, Savior, King of Kings, Mighty One, Joy, Gentleness, Prosperity, Creator, El Shaddai, Yeshua, Almighty God, only to name a few.

Why would any one choose to not follow God and choose to follow the enemy of this world? Because Satan hates that God loves us and wants to save us from eternal death to eternal life with Him. Abba Father. Many are ignorant and do not know the enemy roams the earth to devour. They beleive there are many ways to Heaven. Many more do know there is a God and choose to say no to God. Each one of us was born with an innate sense to need God. There is a hole we need to fill. Drugs do not fill it. Money and alcohol do not fill it. Jesus Christ is the hole filler. Those that refuse Jesus refuse God and will be judged.

Gods Word is for our benefit. He so loves us He gave us an instruction manual on how to live. He will never leave nor forsake his children ( Hebrews 3:13) Jesus died on the cross so we could be free from depression, sickness, poverty, darkness, the enemy, oppression, drunkenness, anxiety,worry and all things wicked, evil and dark. It is not to late for salvation if you do not know Jesus and are reading this now. One does not know what tomorrow may bring. The devil will lie and tell you there is a tomorrow, Is there? Today is the day for salvation. Maybe this is your day to forgive. Do not live in bondage and follow the enemy.

The joy of the Lord.

The joy of the Lord is real. It is our strength.(Neh 8:10) Some may wonder how can we go through horrific storms and count it joy. I too have wondered. When I understood forgiveness was not saying we did not hurt nor did we have to step back from fact and truth I saw with another set of eyes. The joy of the Lord does not mean we have to clap our hands and dance in times of weeping and trials for us or others. Until we are with the Lord we will face difficult times. The Bible does not say if we face difficult times but when.

The joy of the Lord means we rejoice deep inside, like way inside the heart. We are confident and assured that God is in control and we can trust Him. We know He is working ALL things for the good. No matter what we face we know that in times of hardship we have the Lord who knows our pain and our hurts and is there for us each step of the way. He is not going anywhere. Joy is knowing He can move mountains and we do not have too. No one can steal the peace Jesus covers us with in times of hurt and pain. No one can take it unless we give it away. A peace that we do not even understand nor do we need to. God is Gracious God.

We do not need to be perfect only He is perfect. He knows our design and model. After all He created us. It is knowing He will cover all our needs no matter how far we think we have gone down. He is here now.The Prince of Peace covers us in His big arms. We have a peace that transcends all understanding. That is the Joy of the Lord. It is knowing we have an eternal home with Almighty God, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is knowing we are Heaven bound. That is the joy of the Lord.

The Joy of the Lord is for all His Children. It has been given to us already, paid for in full. We just need to recieve His gift.. All praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the great IAM.

May the peace of God be with you and yours today and always.

My Love, Skye


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