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How do we trust in God?

Updated on August 8, 2013

Holding Your Hand!

Let Go, Let God.

How can we trust God? All we have to do is look back at what He has done for us when we least expected or when He came through with answered prayer. Do is a verb, a verb is action. We do need to take the action. We do need to look at what He has already done for us.

God never does something just once. If it is a healing we need or a deliverance from poverty, emotional upheaval, worry or anxiety we will need to be rescued, again. We all go though grave trials. How did you get through the last storm? Did you call out to God or sit and wait it out or depend on the world to come through for your answer? Did you have the answer or did Gods grace shine and come through for you with the answer? Did he use another person to touch your heart and open doors? He rescued you once He will do it again. God does not get tired. We get tired when we try on our own best effort.

No matter where you might be today or if you are coming out of a storm another trial will come your way. Jesus said, we will face tribulation. (I2 Timothy 3:12) Indeed everyone who loves me is determined to live a Godly life, as a follower of Jesus Christ, will be persecuted..

We do not need to chase trouble it will come to us. Today we can help those who struggle. Sometimes things are so bad we may feel like dying,. Paul in the book of Acts was stoned, and chased by a wild ox. Paul knew about trials, pain, suffering, near death. (2 Corinthians 1 9): It was so bad he did not think they would make it, as it turns out he got through the trials.

What rubs us the wrong way could be the best thing that happened to us. It is then we have to totally trust in Almighty God. We can trust in Him before the trial or trust Him during the trial. When we know how to trust God, we can let go. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Lean not on our own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path.

There was a man hanging from a limb on a tree. God said,' trust me let go.' The man would not let go of the limb. God encouraged him again to let go. He assured him He was there to catch him. He did not need to hold on God was going to catch Him. He needed to let go. He hung on sweating it out. Finally the limb broke. The limb and man went flying. The Lord caught the man. God is faithful. His word does not change. He comes through. How much less would the man have suffered if he just let go and trusted God before he went though more suffering? Oh, God is Grace indeed. We can trust before the trial or in the trial, God does not change. We only need to trust.

If we belong to Jesus how much do we have to fear? His Word says He will care for His children. A couple of weeks ago I had to call the loan department to arrange a payment for my vehicle. I have been one car payment at rears for months. I am sure I am not a lone ranger. I cannot make that one catch up payment, yet. The car is still mine and the money comes. So I get into fear because of what a person happened to mention in a conversation last month. "I could lose my car if I do not make another payment this month.' Oh, scare me. Anyway, when nuts came to bolts or is it bolts to nuts I finally made the same call I have made ten times. God had me covered. Can I make another payment this month? 'No, I cannot one will do fine, thank you.' 'OK, well do the best you can to get another payment in.'

Hello, so what was this about? FEAR. The enemy tries to edge in. He tells lies. He says God is going to drop you this time. Well look again has God dropped me? Did God pull us out of the ocean to throw us back in? I know I can trust God. So what am I hanging onto? I am not letting go and giving my cares to God. Even if the company comes to take my vehicle, so be it. God has another plan and a far better plan. It could be the best thing that ever happened to me. I am free from a payment. Whatever the scenario. Trust God.

(1 Corinthians. 1:9) Paul was forced to trust God. He did it. He trusted God. God raised Paul up in that midnight hour. Paul needed rescue. God rescued Paul from certain doom and He will do it again. Whatever God has done He will do it again. He does it so we will have increased faith. He will raise us up again, we do not have to be in darkest trials to trust? In deep trials when there is no other place to turn, we are forced to trust God. This is not a bad idea. God is the God that raises the dead, God delivers.

We can trust God when facing death. The resurrection is so powerful because we have somewhere to turn. The resurrection not only saved us but we can trust God. No matter how bad the marriage or the kids or what may be hidden in your life. We can face it without fear because He is the God who delivers. He will rescue. He did it before and He will do it again. God never does anything only once.

Allot of Christians live in reflection or anticipation. The good Ole days are the short end of the stick. People look back or say,' one day I will start business, one day I will forgive my husband, one day I will start to tithe, one day I will volunteer at the shelter.' God wants us living in both. We need to reflect on what God already did! He will do it again, anticipate it. Once we see what God has done in our life we can know He will do it again. God is not a one hit wonder. Say someone has a great Baseball game and hits a grand slam to win the game. Say he never does it again. Say someone writes one famous song and never writes another. Well whatever God does He will do it repeatedly. Trust create's faith. HIS word is the same and HE never changes. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

God will rescue us as many times as we need. Do you need a breakthrough or restoration or a healing or deliverance from cares, worry, or anxiety? The power of God will touch your life today. (Matthew 18:19) if two or more gathers and agrees together in anything It will be done unto them. Prayer releases the power of God. If you seek, you will find, if you ask, it will be given to you. (Matthew 6::32)

If you want the power of the Holy Spirit released, begin to praise God. We do not have to beg God, but focus and trust. God will open the doorway. When you truly praise God He will inhabit our house, God inhabits the praises of His people. God is waiting on us. Have a praise party not a pity party and see what happens in your day.

In these most difficult times we live, it is obvious God is calling out to HIS people to trust in Him. Do not be deceived there are many that will wear sheeps' clothing. If you know Christ stay in His word and keep pressing forward. We have nothing to fear. Remember God promises He will never leave, nor forsake us.(Hebrews 3:13) God has everything in His divine plan. Precious child of God do not lose heart. Our God will come through. His favor is unending and His mercy endures.

If you do not know Jesus then you are trusting in yourself or the world. Both are unreliable and change. God never changes. He so loves all His people. Many deny His name and spit on Him. Do not be afraid to come to Jesus. There is nothing you have done that makes Him love you less. He wants all to come to Him in repentance. You do not want to be deceived by the god of this world. The enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy.(John 10:10)

Salvation is now today.(John 3:16) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whom so ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Do not be too late for Jesus. Talk to Jesus today and asks Him into your heart as Lord and Saviour, repent of sin and your life will never be the same. Do not worry Jesus will do the transforming. Our way obviously does not work very well. His Grace is suffiecient enough. Deny Him and He will deny you.

If we would remember all the miracles in the past we would have much less anxiety when the challenges face us tomorrow.

© Copyright Skye Tudae

My Love,



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